Grow Your Wealth Together

Couples and Money is a ten-week online course that teaches couples how to manage and grow their wealth together. The course aims to turn one of the greatest causes of marital misunderstandings into something that brings couples closer and helps their marriage thrive.

About the Course

Money can be a contentious topic for couples, with numerous studies indicating that it is the number one reason for arguments. In fact, many recently divorced individuals cite money as the primary reason for the dissolution of their marriage. Disagreements can stem from a variety of issues, including insufficient funds, excessive funds, disagreements about who should pay for what, or differing attitudes towards money.

Despite the potential for conflict, it is possible for couples to learn how to manage their finances together in a way that strengthens their relationship. By working together to address financial issues, couples can turn what was once a source of misunderstanding into an opportunity to bond over shared goals and aspirations. With the right tools and mindset, couples can learn how to manage their finances in a way that helps them achieve their joint purpose and build a stronger foundation for their future together.

Couples and Money Syllabus

  1. Different Strokes

    To learn how our different family backgrounds cause us to view money differently

  2. Different Eyes

    To discuss how our different temperaments , affect our approach to money

  3. Real Talk

    To learn how and when to have safe money conversations.

  4. Never work for money

    To understand God’s purpose for earning money

  5. Money Journey

    To understand investment goals for each decade in a couple’s lifetime

  1. The Debt Trap

    To learn how to get out of the debt trap

  2. Living Sustainably

    Budgeting and a simple lifestyle help couples achieve financial goals stress-free.

  3. Building your Net worth

    Help couples understand how to invest well together and grow their net worth

  4. The Power of Giving

    To help couples understand the importance and power of giving

  5. Teaching Kids About Money

    To help couples process the importance of passing good money habits and perspective to the next generation.

How the Course Works

11 Video Lessons

30 minute lessons that you can listen to at your own conivence, Muriithi & Carol Wanjau teach their proven approach on how couples can successfully work together to achieve their financial goals

PDF Work Books

Exercises and assignment put together by Muriithi & Carol Wanjau that help you as a couple work through the concepts

Online Mentoring

2 hour weekly online meeting in a group setting with other couples guided by a certified facilitor couple

2 Online Seminars

Two live online events facilitated by Muriithi & Carol where you get a chance to interact with them and learn from their experiences


We received numerous positive feedback from our customers regarding our services, and we greatly appreciate their expressions of satisfaction.

Peter & Mercy

"My partner Mercy and I are amazed by the transformation we have experienced since starting Couples and Money. Three months ago, we used to argue about our finances and struggle with trust-related issues, but now we can sit down and agree on how to manage our income, spending, and giving. We have paid off our pending debts, learned to track our monthly spending, and reduced the costs of running our business. Most importantly, we have been discussing ways to generate passive income, and we recently discovered an opportunity to add value to dairy farming by starting a yogurt-making business. We are thrilled with the progress we have made and are excited to continue growing as a happier, more fulfilled, and united couple."

David and Christine Munene

"After joining Couples and Money class due to persistent disagreements on finances, we learned valuable concepts such as 'Money Dates' and developed a shared understanding of our financial situation. The sessions provided a safe space for us to discuss finances without judgment, leading to a stronger relationship and confidence in our financial future. With Moran Capital's expert advice and support, we now have a debt repayment strategy and a shared budget reflecting our priorities and values. We recognize that managing money as a couple is a journey that requires effort, open communication, and a willingness to learn and grow together towards a healthy and thriving financial future."

Peter & Rose Mutisoi

"My partner Rose and I discovered transformative solutions for our money struggles through Couples and Money. From the first module, we eagerly absorbed the lessons, tracked our expenses, paid off debts, and even involved our children in the program's teachings. We highly recommend the program to any couple seeking to improve their finances and communication, and we are proud to serve as ambassadors and facilitators for future seasons."

Elizabeth & Johnstone Mbevi

"My husband Johnstone and I were determined to make the most of Couples and Money. We started consolidating our various accounts and finances, having previously managed them independently. Through the program, we even launched a successful business that continues to thrive. Cashflow management was a key takeaway for us, and we plan to pass on this knowledge to our unborn children. In addition, we actively participated in the Proverbs challenge, and were usually among the first to share our reflections each day."

couple discussing

Unlock your financial freedom as a couple by signing up!

Register now and transform your relationship and wealth with Couples and Money!